Pain, Pain, Go Away!

September is pain awareness month. Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain. Most of those painful effects come from diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Chronic pain can be a warning sign for something much more problematic. Alerting your doctor of this pain should be a necessary precaution.

Dealing with chronic pain on a daily basis can be intolerable at times. However, new treatments are offering some much needed relief. One of the treatments is the use of Botox for pain relief. It is mainly used to treat chronic muscle pain and headaches. A physician will be able to pin point where the injections should be administered for the best results. This is a fairly new way to treat pain but a small research study has shown promising results. Always consult with a licensed physician before proceeding with any kind of treatment. Who knew that Botox wasn’t just for beauty queens?

The next method may seem simple but it could offer some relief. A study of 214 people was conducted and researchers found a correlation between negative thinking about pain and poor sleep and worse pain. The solution to some of their patients’ chronic pain, especially face and jaw pain, was a simple attitude adjustment. Less dwelling on your illness may allow for better sleep and possibly less day-to-day pain. Viewing the glass as half full may be the right kind of outlook!

Finally, let us help! At Mobility Plus we offer a cold laser treatment that is used to reduce acute and chronic pain with a device called the LaserTouchOne. This device combines laser therapy and electrical stimulation. The laser light enters the tissue and is absorbed by the surrounding cells. This process effectively stimulates the healing process and rapid pain relief. At the same time Micro-Current Electrical Stimulation sends small amounts of electricity to the cells. The combination of both of these processes stimulates repair and healing of the cells. When injured cells are able to repair, increased mobility and pain relief are achieved.  Stop by for a free demo!

Johns Hopkins Article



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